Sunday, November 30, 2008
Announcing the Winners of the 1st Annual "Infidel Blogger Awards"
Literally thousands of votes were cast making this award's debut a smashing success and a well aimed poke in the eye to the Jackbooted Stalinists of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Without further delay allow me to introduce our cherished winners of this inaugural editon of "The Georgies":
1) Blogger most likely to face a Section 13(1) complaint
FiveFeetOfFury takes top honours! Congratulations Kathy, I'm sure your new husband is as thrilled as you are;)
2) Most Insulting to the Prophet Blog Post
Dag of No Dhimmitude for a post so inflammatory Allah has vowed to personally torture him.
Congrats Dag - you'll have no trouble getting a date now.
3) Best Infidel Blogger - non-restricted category
Miracle of Miracles! Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch
I measure a man by his enemies.
4) Favourite Gal Infidel Blogger
In a surprise win Debbie Schlussel takes the category!
Surprising given her retiring manner and penchant for privacy.
5) Favourite Guy Infidel Blogger
No surprise here - none other than the man the Lying Jackal wishes he was - Ezra Levant
6) Most favourite MSM Anti-Islamist Pundit
Mark Steyn! The man who made the Sock Puppets Cry, but not before offering them dinner out.
7) Least Favourite Useful Idiot MSM Pundit
Everybody's favourite, the Toronto Stars leading Islamist Cheerleader Haroon Siddiqui
And now our most hotly debated category.....
8) Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat*
In a surprise, and shamelessly biased decision the Judge (that's me) decided to declare two winners in this category.
The Voters have spoken and CJ of LGF was the category winner by virtue of an overwhelming majority of the popular vote. Bravo Charles! I judge a man by his friends too.
However, finishing a close second and in recognition of the contribution made to the success of these awards by Jennifer Lynch I feel it my rightful duty to declare The Canadian Human Rights Commission co-winner in the Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat category. Short may you reign.
Thanks to all of you who supported this effort, it just goes to show, you can fight evil and have fun all at the same time!
Next year.
Nominations for "The Georgies" aka The Infidel Blogger Awards have been finalized and voting is now open. Vote early and often!
Voting Ends Thursday Nov 20th and the Winners will be Announced Friday Nov 21st!
Considering their vested interest in these awards Jennifer Lynch of the CHRC asked for and was granted a say in determining the nominees, it was the least we could do. Ms. Lynch perused each category and relayed her recommendations to me via the signalling device implanted in my brain.
You may view how diligently she worked below, besides she needs ammo.

Here are Your Nominees! Vote for Freedom!
1) Blogger most likely to face a Section 13(1) complaint
Links to Category Nominees: 5FeetofFury, Point de Bascule, Ezra Levant, Sheik Yer'Mami, G Person , Marginalized Action Dinosaur, Blazingcatfur
2) Most Insulting to the Prophet Blog Post
Links to Category Nominees: No Dhimmitude - Muslim Cartoon People, Wally Keeler - SONNET IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, Colonel Robert Neville - Derek & Clive Discuss Islam, MAD - Sword of Islam
3) Best Infidel Blogger - non-restricted category
Links to Category Nominees: Robert Spencer - Jihad Watch, Infidel Blogger Alliance, Free Canuckistan, Blood Thirsty Liberal, Dust My Broom
4) Favourite Gal Infidel Blogger
Links to Category Nominees: SDA, Debbie Schlussel, Women against Sharia, The Outraged Spleen of Zion, Rachel Lucas, 5FeetOfFury, Girl on the Right, Blogging for a Free World, Shooting Star, Annie Lessard - Point de Bascule
5) Favourite Guy Infidel Blogger
Links to Category Nominees: Jay Currie, Ezra Levant, Marginalized Action Dinosaur, Marc Lebuis of Point de Bascule, Trupeers of Covenant Zone, Binks of Free Canuckistan, Darcey of DustMyBroom, Nick of Ghost of a Flea
6) Most favourite MSM Anti-Islamist Pundit
7) Least Favourite Useful Idiot MSM Pundit
8) Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat*
NB: *The Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat Category would have been won hands down by Lucy Warman, so we decided to share the love with other worthy contenders and exclude her.
Now Accepting Nominations for the 1st Annual Edition of "The Infidel Blogger Awards"
Welcome National Post & Mark Steyn , Theo Spark & SDA Infidel Readers!
Special thanks also go out to:
NB: Promotional considerations will not influence the judges rulings.
Jay Currie
Covenant Zone
Halls of Macadamia
The Daily Rasp
Poetency & Apoetasy
Welcome to the 1st edition of the Infidel Blogger Awards - bringing you the Very Best in Non-Canadian Human Rights Commission Approved Punditry!
Nominations are now open but will close Nov 14th and nominees finalized Nov 15th.
Voting Opens Nov 16th! The winners in each category will be announced on Monday Nov 24th to coincide with the release of Richard Moon's Section 13(1) whitewash.
The rules are easy!
Select the appropriate category and nominate your favourite Infidel Blog! List the Blog Title and URL. Thank you.
1) Blogger most likely to face a Section 13(1) complaint
2) Most insulting to the CHRC Blog Post
3) Most Insulting to the Prophet Blog Post
4) Best Anti-Islamist Blog Post
5) Best Infidel Blogger - non-restricted category
6) Favourite Gal Infidel Blogger
7) Favourite Guy Infidel Blogger
8) Most favourite MSM Anti-Islamist Pundit
9) Least Favourite Useful Idiot MSM Pundit
10) Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat
Go forth and Nominate!
Hey Infidels! Now you too can have your own Way Spiffy "Infidel Blogger Awards" logo,
Thanks to Neo!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Category No. 1) Blogger most likely to face a Section 13(1) complaint
1) Blogger most likely to face a Section 13(1) complaint
Category No. 2) Most insulting to the CHRC Blog Post
2) Most insulting to the CHRC Blog Post
Category No. 3) Most Insulting to the Prophet Blog Post
3) Most Insulting to the Prophet Blog Post
Category No.4) Best Anti-Islamist Blog Post
4) Best Anti-Islamist Blog Post
Category No. 5) Best Infidel Blogger - non-restricted category
5) Best Infidel Blogger - non-restricted category
Category No. 6) Favourite Gal Infidel Blogger
6) Favourite Gal Infidel Blogger
Category No. 7) Favourite Guy Infidel Blogger
7) Favourite Guy Infidel Blogger
Category No. 8) Most favourite MSM Anti-Islamist Pundit
8) Most favourite MSM Anti-Islamist Pundit
Category No. 9) Least Favourite Useful Idiot MSM Pundit
9) Least Favourite Useful Idiot MSM Pundit
Category No. 10) Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat
10) Biggest Pro-Censorship Ass-Hat